I love the stats on discs and won't buy a BR unless it is avc or vc-1 and lossless audio. I double dipped on way too many standard def DVDs getting the DTS version or remastered disc. I'm already double dipping in a way by buying them yet again on BR. I sure don't want to buy any half way transfers with mpg-2 and lossy audio transfers (might as well stick with standard dvd at that point with a good upscaling player! - IMHO)
It really bugs me that studios are playing the double dip game on BRs - people who buy BRs are probably home theater enthusiasts who already got burned on standard def DVD releases - do they think many of us didn't learn?
I have a list of DVDs I'd love to buy on BR and several of them are out - but in crap transfers. I think if the BR industry wants to make money they should just release BRs in a good format right away before BR becomes another SACD.
Anyone else here a transfer snob like me?
It certainly would be nice to buy things just the once.
The reality is that with any new format the early titles can be dodgy (and even some later ones) so it comes down to a title by title choice really...
For me there are titles that I would love to see re-issued on Blu-ray due to the less than stellar first attempt... but it will take time.
Now with over 300 BDs (and I swore I would not do that this time around! Doh!) I have slowed down a lot and seriously consider whether I really need any given title on the format.
One this is true for sure for me - my DVD collection is largely worthless and when I am choosing to watch a movie, there are BDs and HD broadcasts that I will almost certainly choose to watch before selecting a DVD...
The reality is that with any new format the early titles can be dodgy (and even some later ones) so it comes down to a title by title choice really...
For me there are titles that I would love to see re-issued on Blu-ray due to the less than stellar first attempt... but it will take time.
Now with over 300 BDs (and I swore I would not do that this time around! Doh!) I have slowed down a lot and seriously consider whether I really need any given title on the format.
One this is true for sure for me - my DVD collection is largely worthless and when I am choosing to watch a movie, there are BDs and HD broadcasts that I will almost certainly choose to watch before selecting a DVD...
When I first started buying Blu-ray movies I found myself double dipping on titles I already owned on DVD. I have lately been trying very hard to not get movies I already own and pursue the one's I don't. The only problem with this is that Blu-ray is WAY more addictive than DVD just due to the audio quality it provides. I know, I know, the picture quality is far superior, but I just can't get over how great the sound is compared to DVD. I can live without 2 copies of the same movie especially if I avoid watching a Blu-ray copy if I already own it on DVD. That is one big reason I have been telling myself it's not worth the double dip since the Blu-ray player does a decent job up-converting the picture to a some-what HD picture. 

List of good BR discs and those I'll wait for rerelease
I just got my BR player so I have a list of BR discs I want. I made a list of which ones were worth getting for me and if not the reason I'll wait for a second release. If the title shows up in the second column - they made a BR I'll be happy to add to my collection.
BR Wanted BR Available
300 300
Airplane NA
Airplane II NA
Amadeus Want Theatrical Release - Directors cut is slow and bad
Armageddon NA
Batman Begins Batman Begins
BraveHeart NA
Casino Royale Casino Royale
Con Air Con Air
Constantine Constantine
Count of Monte Cristo NA
Die Another Day Die Another Day
Die Hard Die Hard
Die Hard 2 Die Hard 2
Die Hard 3: Die Hard 3: Die Hard with a Vengeance
Doc HollyWood NA
Eagle Eye Eagle Eye
Eraser Eraser
Excalibur NA
Fantastic Four MPEG2
Fantastic 4: 2 Fantastic 4: Rise of the Silver Surfer
Ferris Beuller's Day Off NA
Fifth Element The The Fifth Element (Remastered)
The Forbidden Kingdom The Forbidden Kingdom
Gattaca Gattaca
Gladiator NA
Grosse Pointe Blank NA
Groundhog Day Groundhog Day
Hellboy Hellboy
Hellboy II: Hellboy II: The Golden Army
Hitman Hitman
The Hunt for Red OctoberThe Hunt for Red October
I, Robot I, Robot
The Incredible Hulk The Incredible Hulk
Independence Day Independence Day
Iron Man Iron Man
Italian Job Currently MPG2 and DD
King Arthur King Arthur
LA Story NA
The Legend of Zorro The Legend of Zorro
Live Free or Die Hard Live Free or Die Hard
Lethal Weapon crappy old dolby digital only
Lethal Weapon II crappy old dolby digital only
Lethal Weapon III NA
Lethal Weapon IV NA
Long Kiss Goodnight, The NA
Lord of the Rings: 1 The Two Towers NA
Lord of the Rings: 2 Fellowship of the Rings NA
Lord of the Rings: 3 Return of the King NA
Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World
Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World
Mr. & Mrs. Smith Mr. & Mrs. Smith
The Ultimate Matrix Collection The Ultimate Matrix Collection
The Mummy The Mummy
The Mummy Returns The Mummy Returns
The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor
Naked Gun NA
Naked Gun 2 1/2 Smell of Fear NA
Naked Gun 3 1/3: The Final Insult NA
National Treasure National Treasure
National Treasure: Book of Secrets National Treasure: Book of Secrets
Ocean's 11 NA
Ocean's 13 NA
Ocean's 13 NA
The Patriot The Patriot
Patriot Games Patriot Games
Pirates of the Caribbean Trilogy Pirates of the Caribbean Trilogy
Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End
Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl
Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest
Predator Predator
Professional, The Leon NA
Prophecy , The NA
The Scorpion King The Scorpion King
StarGate MPG2
Starship Troopers Starship Troopers
Terminator MPG2
Terminator 2: Judgement Day DD Only
Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines DTS
Transporter Currently MPG2
Transformers Transformers
True Lies NA
Undercover Blues NA
Underworld Underworld
V for Vendetta V for Vendetta
Wanted Wanted
X-Men NA
X-Men 2 NA
X-Men: The Last Stand X-Men: The Last Stand
Zorro the Gay Blade If it is a better transfer than the DVD!
edit - dang it - anyone want to help a newbie on how to make columns?
BR Wanted BR Available
300 300
Airplane NA
Airplane II NA
Amadeus Want Theatrical Release - Directors cut is slow and bad
Armageddon NA
Batman Begins Batman Begins
BraveHeart NA
Casino Royale Casino Royale
Con Air Con Air
Constantine Constantine
Count of Monte Cristo NA
Die Another Day Die Another Day
Die Hard Die Hard
Die Hard 2 Die Hard 2
Die Hard 3: Die Hard 3: Die Hard with a Vengeance
Doc HollyWood NA
Eagle Eye Eagle Eye
Eraser Eraser
Excalibur NA
Fantastic Four MPEG2
Fantastic 4: 2 Fantastic 4: Rise of the Silver Surfer
Ferris Beuller's Day Off NA
Fifth Element The The Fifth Element (Remastered)
The Forbidden Kingdom The Forbidden Kingdom
Gattaca Gattaca
Gladiator NA
Grosse Pointe Blank NA
Groundhog Day Groundhog Day
Hellboy Hellboy
Hellboy II: Hellboy II: The Golden Army
Hitman Hitman
The Hunt for Red OctoberThe Hunt for Red October
I, Robot I, Robot
The Incredible Hulk The Incredible Hulk
Independence Day Independence Day
Iron Man Iron Man
Italian Job Currently MPG2 and DD
King Arthur King Arthur
LA Story NA
The Legend of Zorro The Legend of Zorro
Live Free or Die Hard Live Free or Die Hard
Lethal Weapon crappy old dolby digital only
Lethal Weapon II crappy old dolby digital only
Lethal Weapon III NA
Lethal Weapon IV NA
Long Kiss Goodnight, The NA
Lord of the Rings: 1 The Two Towers NA
Lord of the Rings: 2 Fellowship of the Rings NA
Lord of the Rings: 3 Return of the King NA
Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World
Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World
Mr. & Mrs. Smith Mr. & Mrs. Smith
The Ultimate Matrix Collection The Ultimate Matrix Collection
The Mummy The Mummy
The Mummy Returns The Mummy Returns
The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor
Naked Gun NA
Naked Gun 2 1/2 Smell of Fear NA
Naked Gun 3 1/3: The Final Insult NA
National Treasure National Treasure
National Treasure: Book of Secrets National Treasure: Book of Secrets
Ocean's 11 NA
Ocean's 13 NA
Ocean's 13 NA
The Patriot The Patriot
Patriot Games Patriot Games
Pirates of the Caribbean Trilogy Pirates of the Caribbean Trilogy
Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End
Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl
Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest
Predator Predator
Professional, The Leon NA
Prophecy , The NA
The Scorpion King The Scorpion King
StarGate MPG2
Starship Troopers Starship Troopers
Terminator MPG2
Terminator 2: Judgement Day DD Only
Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines DTS
Transporter Currently MPG2
Transformers Transformers
True Lies NA
Undercover Blues NA
Underworld Underworld
V for Vendetta V for Vendetta
Wanted Wanted
X-Men NA
X-Men 2 NA
X-Men: The Last Stand X-Men: The Last Stand
Zorro the Gay Blade If it is a better transfer than the DVD!
edit - dang it - anyone want to help a newbie on how to make columns?
- Dolby Digital
- Posts: 6
- Joined: Wed Mar 11, 2009 12:45 am
I try to avoid rebuying when possible. But if it's a must-have title on Blu and it's the only option, I'm probably gonna buy it. That said, Silence of the Lambs was just released on Blu and I'm holding out since I already have a good SD DVD version and the Blu version hasn't received the greatest picture reviews. I suspect a better Blu version of that title will come out in the future. So I'm sitting tight.
On the flip side. I bought George Romero's Land of the Dead on Blu and Bruce Campbell's My Name Is Bruce on Blu without hesitation. I am a huge fan of both Romero and Campbell. As such those titles were required purchases for me. Both are on BD-25's and I wasn't willing to wait to see if something better came along.
On the flip side. I bought George Romero's Land of the Dead on Blu and Bruce Campbell's My Name Is Bruce on Blu without hesitation. I am a huge fan of both Romero and Campbell. As such those titles were required purchases for me. Both are on BD-25's and I wasn't willing to wait to see if something better came along.
- Dolby Digital
- Posts: 1
- Joined: Sat May 30, 2009 5:36 pm